What is it?

The Buteyko Breathing Method is a breathing retraining that teaches individuals how to slow down, soften, quiet, and normalize their breathing. There are different variations of the exercises, which are individually tailored to the person’s situation.

Who does it help?

Most people seek out the Buteyko Breathing Method for asthma / rhinitis, stress / anxiety / depression, and snoring / sleep apnea.


Why do I teach it?

As a lifelong sufferer of anxiety, I’ve been exploring different modalities of self care for decades. The Buteyko Breathing Method is the first self care intervention (something one can do at home) that has the ability to fully calm my anxiety. It blows me away how much it normalizes my system and the longer I practice and the better my breathing becomes, the calmer and more centered I feel as a baseline. I am so excited to bring this into my practice and help others feel better, too.


5 pack - 5 - 60 minute sessions, weekly.

Individual - $400

1 - 90 minute session

Individual - $150

The single session option is advised against as it almost always takes a few sessions of answering questions and refining the protocol before it is fully understood and implemented correctly. However, I am offering this for those that want it and are extremely self motivated.